Tag Archives: american taxpayer relief act

Obama Administration Delays Implementation of Key Part of the Affordable Care Act

The Administration announced recently that it will provide an additional year before the ACA mandatory employer and insurer reporting requirements begin. Scheduled to become effective January 1, 2014, the new effective date is January 1, 2015.  Formal transition guidance will be published in the coming weeks.  The Administration intends to strongly encourage employers and insurers to voluntarily implement the information reporting in 2014.

Because of the delay in reporting requirements, the Administration has also delayed the “shared responsibility payments” until 2015.  Under ACA’s “Employer Mandate,” employers with more than 50 full time employees would have to begin to offer affordable health insurance as defined by the Act or face substantial penalties or “shared responsibility payments.”  The delay means these penalties will not apply to 2014.

For more information, read the complete article here. We offer tax service professionals available to help guide you and your business through the ACA..

Summary of The American Taxpayer Relief Act

On the first day of the year 2013, the United States Congress passed House Resolution 8, better known as the American Taxpayer Relief Act (ATRA) of 2012. Aside from preventing a headlong dive off the proverbial fiscal cliff, ATRA extends some of the Bush-era tax cuts and introduces new provisions that may or may not help to curb the budget deficit and stimulate the American economy.

Langdon & Company LLP have experienced Raleigh tax service professionals available who understand the tax laws and how they may impact individuals or specific businesses.

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