by Dwayne Murphy
Are expense reports frustrating to fill out? Can’t find that receipt you need? Keeping up with travel expenses can be a nightmare but with our technology today and smartphone capability, keeping up with travel expenses can be, and should be easy. There are a number of apps that will make the difficulty of expense tracking and reporting a thing of the past. Below is a brief description of just a few of the very many apps that that are available to help track and report expenses.
- Automated travel management app that requires little or no data entry. For example it gathers all of the information from the confirmation (e.g. airline, hotel, car rental & restaurant confirmations) when you email it to the app.
- Organizes everything by day, trip and time and forms an itinerary that you can access and share with others.
- Edit plans manually and sync with your calendar.
- There is a free version and a paid version with the paid version including extra benefits such as flight tracking and reward program tracking.
- This paid app records all of your expenses and provides a running total for each business trip you take and also has the ability to track time as well
- Easy mileage tracking by entering total distance or start and stop odometer reading and will remember odometer readings for your next trip.
- Remembers total mileage from previous trips and will pre-fill mileage when locations are entered.
- Create and manage categories and sub-categories and mark as “reimbursed” or “submitted”.
- Print finished expense reports in multiple formats.
- This free app lets you snap a quick picture of your receipt and select which report it goes on then Expensify does the rest.
- Tracks your mileage through your phone’s GPS and allows time entry as well.
- Easy report submission by use of email or the option to save to a PDF.
- Integrates with any accounting, payroll, CRM or ERP solution including QuickBooks and ADP.
We all have enough to worry about and expense reports should not be one of them. There are plenty of apps out there to make life easier and hopefully the list above can give you an idea of which one will be the perfect fit for you.
Dwayne ([email protected]) is an audit senior with Langdon & Company LLP. He works with a variety of non-profit clients